Unless you are a Martian, or are on a space odyssey, you should be aware of the global crisis we are facing due to the Coronavirus. Throughout the whole world, governments and health organizations are taking unprecedented measures to fight and mitigate the impact of the virus. Stay-at-home orders have been implemented. Multiple businesses aren’t able to function properly. Some have even shut down all operations. The economy has taken a hit, and more and more people are in self-isolation.
Amidst all of this, online businesses are still able to operate, and in some cases even thrive better than before the crisis. Member-based organizations that operate in part or completely online are not much different. It’s absolutely normal, during these uncertain times to not be sure what the best thing to do for your organization is. We’re here to offer some guidance on how to proceed forward; however, no matter what you decide to do, you should always take your audience into account and do right by them. Whether you are a large organization with membership running in the thousands or a small-size group with few members, here are some things to do to keep running your membership during this crisis.
Be There For Your Members
In times like these, it’s quite easy to suspend everything and momentarily disappear on your members, and justifiably so. However, right now that would be the wrong move to make. More than ever, showing up for your members right now is critical. Your response to what is happening will definitely shape how your member base views your organization. Disappearing on your members, especially without notice and a viable explanation can only have a negative impact on your image and your brand. Everyone, including your members, is to a certain degree affected by what is going on. Your members are feeling just as anxious and uncertain as you. Now is the time to be a leader and give them some reassurance. Now is the time to give them helpful resources. This is the perfect time to create content that is tailored to the current climate, as everyone is tuned in to this topic. This is also the perfect time to open up ways for your members to connect with one another. If you’re using Membership Management Software like MemberBoss, a collaboration tool can be added onto your platform to allow a forum-like space for your members to communicate.
Don’t Stop Marketing
Right now, everything that is happening might be encouraging you to stop selling and slow down your marketing, maybe even shut down all marketing efforts. However, if your organization is able to function in these new circumstances, then shutting down your sales and marketing is completely erroneous. Additionally, there are some people for whom things haven’t really changed that drastically. So, if your organization is able to service people during this time, then it is completely fine to keep marketing. You can help a ton of people. Just make sure your content or efforts are not misconstrued as you being insensitive to the situation. If you know you can help people right now, it’s also worth taking into account offering a free trial or a specially discounted membership. People will remember that you’ve helped them during a difficult time.
Prepare and Position Yourself
In times like these, it’s very easy to rush into things out of panic. Don’t fall into that trap. Best thing you can do is take your time assessing the situation. Take your time and prepare. Prepare for every contingency. What is your organization going to do once everything returns to normal? You want to be ahead of the curve, so prepare now. Plan your marketing accordingly. Build your site the way you’ve always wanted it to be. Create tons of content. Think about the problems you can solve for people right now and when the crisis is over. Can you offer additional services that you weren’t able to put into place before? Do everything you can right now that will put you in a great position when everything settles. This includes mastering all your operational activities and tools. Among those tools is your Membership Management Software like MemberBoss. In case you weren’t aware, MemberBoss puts on live webinars to help you master the platform.
We’re facing a very unusual crisis, and how we respond might shape our future in ways that we can’t predict. This doesn’t mean that we have to stop being productive. It doesn’t mean that we have to stop serving others. It certainly doesn’t mean that you have to stop managing your membership. If you’d like to learn more about MemberBoss, feel free to Book a Demo. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to The Boss Blog to get more helpful tips for you and your members.