Samples of Our Work
Medical Cosmetic Enhancements
Marketing site for Medical Cosmetic Enhancements, supporting two offices where they perform minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. They have 16 different types of cosmetic lasers, many considered “lunchtime” treatments and can be done in 30 minutes or less. Most treatments focus on facial rejuvenation and body contouring.
- SEO optimized site
- unique landing pages for keywords
- forms for setting appointments and asking questions
- personalized marketing emails and more!
Dry Cleaning and Laundry Institute
Trade Association
The Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) has been the premiere international trade association for garment care professionals since 1883. Representing over ten thousand retail drycleaners in the United States alone, DLI is the world's leading professional garment care organization. DLI's balanced representation of cleaning entities, both large and small, makes it the industry voice.
- Trade association website
- Online join form supporting multiple member types and payment options
- Automatic renewal billing and online My Account management for users
- Ecommerce store for non dues revenue generation
- Newsletters and personalized marketing emails to members and member's customers
- and more!
Committee For Dulles
Non Profit Organization
Non profit membership organization that supports and encourages the growth of Washington Dulles International Airport, and provides dynamic forums to educate the business community and individuals on the important role the airport plays in the region’s economy.
- Online join form
- Automatic renewal billing and online bill pay
- Event registration and management
- Easy to use content management system
- and more!
Spa Blowout
This is the marketing site for a manufacturer of spas that promotes has a complex direct selling program. The site that promotes company spa show events held around the country and has the following functionality:
- The site lets users sign up for free tickets and adds the users to the data base
- The sales team can quickly look up tickets users at the door and preload the customer's information to start the order process when the customer is ready to buy
- The website ties into to a sales app used to guide the sales process and offer incentives
- The staff can easily create and schedule events as the venues change.
DeVol Funeral Homes
Marketing site that supports two location of DeVol Funeral Homes. The site promotes the home as a caring place for your loved one. The site has functionality to:
- Allow out of town users to leave notes for the deceased's family or to share thoughts of remembrance
- Easily allow staff to add online obituaries for upcoming services
- Has an online prearrangement form that let's users detail their own final arrangements which can be conveyed to their loved ones through the information they provide
Professional Association
The AAOM is a not for profit organization that provides information and educational programs on the diagnosis and comprehensive non-surgical treatment of NMSK disorders. AAOM promotes orthopaedic medicine by providing a forum for physicians to learn integrative diagnostic techniques and comprehensive non-surgical treatment methods, including appropriate injection therapies, image guided interventions, osteopathic manual medicine, and more.
- Email Marketing
- Event registration, promotion and management
- Online joins/renews
- Donation forms for foundation
- Online doctor profile forms and searches
Trade Non-profit
The IDA serves as the global voice for the DME industry, and works to promote the use of DME as a clean alternative fuel worldwide, to gather and communicate authoritative information about DME, and to coordinate relevant international activities and initiatives. The IDA has a global membership of companies, institutions, and individuals at the vanguard of industry developments, representing a wide range of interests within both the upstream and downstream value chains.
- Online meeting management and registration
- Online join/renew and "My Account" management
- Online conference presentation submissions and reviews
- Password protected committee and members areas